7 Keto Biscuits – Low Carb Biscuits With Almond Flour

Are you fond of having biscuits but staying away because of your keto diet? Then there is good news for you guys!

Today I have got some very delicious low carb biscuit recipes to have in your keto diet.

What makes biscuits the unhealthy option? It’s the refined flour that adds carbs into it. So, we are just going to substitute that flour with a grain free, gluten-free product to make it appropriate for keto diet.

Though it’s healthy, so is a very good option for kids too and believe me they will love it more than the bakery baked biscuits.

So, without wasting another single second let’s move to the recipe part!

Here’re 7 Keto Biscuits Recipes:

1. 3-Minute Cheddar Biscuits:

Have you ever thought that your cheddar cheese can be used in making such delicious biscuits?

They are incredibly delicious and made up of coconut flour which means you can have them guilt free as a fat bomb for your keto diet. It will probably take just 3 minutes. Easy and quick!

Found: here

2. Paleo Low Carb Almond Flour Biscuits:

Almond flour is the savior for the keto dieters that allows them to eat all those high carb food in low carb form. Talking about this recipe, it is the most traditional yet tasty keto biscuits in our list.

They are probably easiest to make and requires just 4 ingredients and contain 2 grams of carbs per serving.

Found: here

3. Low Carb Shortbread Cookies:

I can literally hear you saying “Awww, how cute are these cookies!” and yes I totally agree with you!

It’s incredibly sweet that I think it could be a great idea to make it for your family and loved ones. Even if you are not good at cooking, still you can try out this recipe.

Found: here

4. Low Carb Cheese Crackers:

I love cheese crackers and can have them whole day! And the good part about this recipe is, it allows me to have them anytime even if I am on a strict keto diet.

I can even use them as a fat bomb to reach out my ketosis stage. So, if you too feel like me just try out this recipe once!

Found: here

5. Bacon & Cheese Biscuits:

Bacon and cheese are the keto ingredients that can turn anything into a tasty recipe.

Made with gluten free low carb almond flour, these are the best savory biscuits that you can even have in your breakfast, lunch or in snack. The picture might not describe the taste, so you need to try them to know what exactly these biscuits are!

Found: here

6. Classic Low Carb Biscuit Recipe:

Classic in itself, this recipe requires very easy ingredients such as almond flour, eggs, butter, cheddar cheese and few herbs and spices.

Bake it for 10 to 13 minutes to get some very delicious low carb savory biscuits on your table!

Found: here

7. Biscuits and Gravy:

Biscuits for a main meal sound something interesting and new especially when you are bored of having those meat and eggs every day.

Made with sausages gravy, these biscuits taste delicious and are perfect to have with your kids.

Found: here

8. Easy Almond Flour Biscuits:

For the mother’s who are not such great chefs can try out this recipe without any hesitation. You just need to collect and mix the ingredients and can have some very delicious biscuits in less than 10 minutes.

Amazing! Isn’t it?

Found: here

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