16 Foods That Burn Belly Fat

foods that burn belly fat fast

Belly fat burning foods are a blessing! While we think that exercise is the key to losing weight and burning fat, it has been proven that your diet plays a huge role in the same.

Research says – diet comprises 80% of your weight loss and fat burning routine. You just have to know what food is right for you, or what can accelerate your fat burning process.

There are a lot of foods you can try out – like fruits and vegetables, fish, seeds and nuts, and other fiber-loaded foods.

These foods control your hunger pangs for long hours, thereby keeping you full so that you don’t overeat. Plus, they are healthy. You won’t even regret it in case you had some extra!

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Here are My Favourite Belly Fat Burning Food Choices:

1. Fruits:

You already know they are tasty and healthy, but did you know they also burn belly fat? Fruits are a rich source of vitamins and minerals.

  • Citrus fruits like kiwi, oranges, limes, lemons, and tangerines help boost metabolism and burn belly fats. Bananas are potassium-rich fruits and support the growth of good bacteria in the body.

You can add it to your morning cereal or oats. Raspberries also contain antioxidants, which satiate our bellies without bloating and reduce inflammation.

However, you might refrain from having too many fruits, as they contain sugar which is not really body benefiting.

2. Eggs:

These protein-filled foods have biotin in large amounts and have proven very beneficial in burning belly fat. Eggs are also the body’s best friends, they lower bad cholesterol and promote good cholesterol in the body.

Enjoy a sunny side up in breakfast, or pan-fry them with some coconut oil.

3. Oats:

Oats are full of carbohydrates and fibers, which help you with reducing blood pressure and providing energy to go through the day. Oats are also beneficial to accelerate the growth of good bacteria present in the body.

Oats can be consumed with dairy milk, adding chia seeds, nuts, and cinnamon. I prefer cooking oats with some coconut oil and nuts, along with some onions and salt to taste.

4. Avocados:

Avocados have been proven to burn belly fat and lower waist size. It contains healthy fats, which helps you to lose fat. Yes, that’s right! They are a must for your diet.

The delicious fruit contains folic acid and fiber. You remain full for longer hours and do not tend to overheat. I love an avocado smoothie, but you can enjoy it with toast and eggs too.

5. Leafy Greens:

Leafy green vegetables, especially cauliflower stabilize the growth of fat in the belly, reduce bloating and is useful for burning belly fat.

They are rich in potassium, minerals, and nutrients which prevent diseases like cancer and inflammation.

I love it when my aunt prepares this very delicious salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, and leafy greens. You can also blend them into a green smoothie or cook them with some coconut or peanut oil.

6. Tomatoes:

Tomatoes are one of the healthiest fruits on the planet. Add them to your salads, or into your oats dish, or your fruit or vegetable juice.

Along with being rich in Vitamin C, K, folate and potassium, tomatoes comprise 95% H2O ie., water, which hydrates you for longer hours and absorbs excess salt in the body.

They reduce belly fats and lower the risks of heart diseases and cancer.

7. Coffee and Tea:

No, don’t add sugar to it! Coffee can help you tighten your stomach like anything.

You just need it every morning and you are good to go! You need to have tea in the same fashion. You should prefer tea and coffee without milk, but in case you cannot, unsweetened dairy milk could be a great choice.

8. Fish:

Tuna and salmon are healthy sources of protein, omega-3 fats, and other nutrients.

Salmon fish has Vitamin D, and Vitamin B6, which help lower the risk of chronic diseases. They keep the person full, increase body metabolism and lower the inflammation in the body.

You are sure to enjoy a fish salad or cooked/roasted fish with vegetables and whole grains.

9. Potatoes:

Potatoes can be baked or boiled as per your preference, and each has their benefits on the body.

Baked potatoes are filled with potassium and fibers, which neutralize the bloating effects of sodium in the body and keep you full for long hours.

I love baking potatoes and spinach together. I also prefer to avoid deep frying potatoes because that will lead to increased fats rather than a decrease in them.

10. Cayenne:

Cayenne contains loads of Vitamin C and capsaicin, which increases body metabolism and burn belly fat.

If you like spices, cayenne, and other chilies are for you! You can add these into your salads, sandwiches, omelets, fritters, and whatnot. But make sure you do not add them too much, you certainly do not want to fall sick.

11. Nuts:

Go nuts for nuts! Varieties of nuts like pine nuts, macadamia, pistachios, and walnuts are great ingredients for your weight loss routine.

The healthy fats and protein present in nuts improvise your metabolism rate and keep you going for longer hours with controlling your urge to hog on other processed and junk foods.

Various studies in the US have shown that nuts help lower belly fat. Along with slimming your body and tummy, they also keep your heart healthy.

12. Olive Oil:

I always prefer cooking food with extra virgin olive oil, because that’s healthy and supports me in my weight loss routine.

Moreover, olive oil is always suggested to people with high bad cholesterol levels because it is a boon for good cholesterol and a curse for bad cholesterol.

However, you might want to avoid deep frying foods in olive oil. Fried foods scream fat and excessive consumption of everything is bad.

13. Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil comprises of healthy fats, which lowers bad cholesterol levels in the body and improves digestion for better health.

Cooking in coconut oil can help you maintain a balanced and healthy diet, and it keeps you full for longer hours without causing a bloating effect on your tummy.

Just like olive oil, it helps in boosting the immunity of your body. Deep-frying should be a strict no since excessive consumption can encourage the growth of fats in the body.

14. Whole Grains:

You should always consume 100% whole-grain foods since refined grains accelerate the growth of fat in the body.

  • Quinoa, millet, brown rice, farro, amaranth, wheat, and barley, are some of the healthiest and nutrient-rich whole grains.

Quinoa is essentially a gluten-free component of whole grains and contains antioxidants and amino acids, which can make it a part of your healthy living. They also help keep us full and improve digestion.

Consuming whole grains daily can do wonders for you while you are on your mission to shed belly fat!

15. Asparagus:

This stem-like vegetable does not have a very desirable taste, but it can be consumed with several other dishes of your choice.

It best goes with omelets, pasta, and soups. I love having asparagus on the side of my lobster or crab. One of my aunts suggested me to try it with hummus dip and I loved that too.

16. Seeds:

The most beneficial seeds for weight loss include pumpkin, chia and sunflower seeds.

They contain fibers, plant-based protein, and healthy fats, which help you remain full. They also increase your body’s metabolism and support digestion for a healthy gut.

Over the years, my preparations for smoothies, baked goods, salads, and oats, have always included chia and sunflower seeds for better taste, better gut, and better weight loss attempts.

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Try out some of these belly fat burning foods from my list, and get ready to notice the changes in your body. Remember, a healthy diet is key to a better body.

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