Apple Cider Vinegar Detox Drink Recipes

apple cider vinegar detox drink recipes for weight lossA healthy gut is a boon for weight watcher and calorie trackers because it promotes the growth of good bacteria that accelerates weight loss.

Now, I have personally been on weight loss journey and experienced ups and downs, weight loss plateau, and in due course of time learned that proper detoxification is essential for lasting and rapid weight loss.

Most of us believe that detoxification means going on a liquid diet (don’t do it if you love yourself!) or intermittent fasting (spoiler alert: NO).

Detoxification is simply consuming the right quantity of food and liquids so that our body can easily digest and releases toxins like free radicals, unwanted water, and chemicals from the system.

So, I came up with a secret potion that will not just detoxify your liver (Yes! Detoxification starts from the liver, not gut) but will also give you glowing skin and manage type-2 diabetes.

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It is often easier and more convenient to simply save a recipe on your smartphone or tablet. So you always have it ready and of course you can also print it out. Grab it before you go:

The main ingredients of my recipe are:

1. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Did you know many studies claim regular consumption of Apple Cider Vinegar can cure most of the problems? The drink made by fermented apples is highly acetic and helps in cleaning the gut and gastrointestinal tract.

Many people swear by its detoxifying properties and believe that it has transformed their health. So, what’s about ACV which makes fat burning easy?

  • It kills Firmicutes, the harmful bacteria responsible for excess fat accumulation around the belly and weight gain.
  • It improves the absorption of protein, thus helps in breaking down of fat cells and visceral fat.
  • Stimulates hormones and cures insulin insensitivity, which directly helps in boosting metabolism and a high level of energy.

2. Cinnamon:

A secret ingredient in many diet recipes! It not only helps in losing weight but comes with a gamut of health benefits.

Apart from consistent bowel movements, lowering bad cholesterol level, and balancing the pH level of the body, there are many advantages which made it a part of my secret weight loss drink:

  • Being a powerful antioxidant, it fights against free radicals, thus making our bodies internally strong.
  • It prevents cell destruction and repairs the muscle tissues
  • For people with diabetes, it is known to treat insulin insensitivity as it lowers down blood glucose levels and makes the blood thinner.

3. Honey:

A perfect alternative to refined sugar, honey is loaded with nutrients that will not help in curbing your sugar cravings but will also manage type-2 diabetes.

According to a paper published by Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity, honey can make regular and lower blood glucose levels in diabetics as its low in the glycemic index in comparison to white sugar and its other substitutes like stevia.

  • It also helps in reducing inflammation
  • Treats bad cholesterol thus reducing the chances of heart attack
  • Cures gastrointestinal disorders so that you can say goodbye to boating, gastric ulcers, and indigestion issues.

4. Lemon:

The powerhouse of vitamin-C and antioxidants, most of the people, wake to a refreshing glass of warm lemon water.

Every trainer and nutritionist wants their clients to start their day with fresh lime in lukewarm water because it is an energy fuel and a perfect detoxifying agent. How can lemon help in weight loss & its benefits?

  • The citric acid in lemon water prevents the formation of kidney stones and regulates the functioning of the kidney.
  • It builds immunity, which is significantly low in obese people or diabetic patients.
  • Detoxifies the liver, the main organ behind blood filtration and detoxifying the body.


Recipe for the Miracle Potion:

1. ACV + Honey + Cinnamon and Lemon Drink:

The first recipe is perfect for those who are planning to lose weight, sitting on the weight loss plateau, tired of slow results and want to manage type-2 diabetes. All you need is to make and drink it first thing in the morning:

  • 2 tsp of Apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp lemon juice, 1 tsp of honey and 1 tsp of powdered cinnamon.
  • Mix ACV, lemon juice, honey, and cinnamon properly to avoid cinnamon to settle down.
  • Put lukewarm water in the mixture and stir it well before drinking.

Pro tip: Replace plain water with green tea or black tea to change the taste. Have this potion twice a day one first thing in the morning and before going to bed. It will burn calories while you are asleep.

2. ACV + Cinnamon drink:

If you don’t want to get into the hassle of mixing ingredients, then make it simple.

  • Add 1 tsp of cinnamon and 2 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar in lukewarm water. Have it first thing in the morning to release toxins from the body. It will kill the harmful bacteria and cleanse your system.

Pro tip: Add a few drops of lemon to treat acid reflux.

3. ACV+ Honey drink:

If cinnamon is not your cup of tea then opt for age-old remedy.

  • Add 1tsp of honey and 2tsp of ACV in lukewarm water and fix yourself a healthy drink for a refreshing morning.

Pro tip: Add a few drops of ginger for better results.

Get all 3 Recipes as a PDF!

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Important Tip

Managing diabetes can be challenging, especially when you are struggling with obesity.

Major issues like insulin insensitivity, hormonal disorder, or depleted energy levels can be cured with a healthy diet, physical exercise, and detoxification drinks.

Apple cider vinegar is a natural detoxifier helps in lowering the cholesterol level and regulating heartbeat. But, the possible side effect of the drink is that it can make the tooth enamel yellow, so rather than sipping the drink, use a straw to prevent teeth corrosion.

Ideally, ACV should be diluted with water to neutralize the sour taste. It will also help to cure a cold and stuffy nose

So, now it’s time to be smart about fat loss. With these refreshing and detoxifying drinks cleanse your system and get rid of chronic and lifestyle disorders.

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